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8 Ways to Practice Humility


Even if you get the hottest looking person as your life partner or you work at the largest company in the world or you stay at the most luxurious place, yet everything feels meaningless after a point of time if you don’t get treated with respect, love and humility. We all crave for it but most of us forget to practice it; the one trait that matters the most – HUMILITY. Not all of us are humble always but we can gradually adopt a humbler attitude. Following are some ways that can help you move on the path of humility. These are some steps you can take in your day-to-day life and with practice humility can become a habit. Enough said, let’s start with a few.

  1. Use the word “Please” – I’ve seen this in situations where one person holds a position of authority. Examples could be parent to children, boss to subordinate, passenger to driver, anyone to domestic help/maid. We often forget using the word please. When used in the right manner, the addition of the word please can make an individual feel more respected and chances of his doing your work are much higher
  2. Say & Mean “Thanks” – I’ve often seen this especially in India where we ask strangers for their guidance to a certain place and then once we get the required knowledge, we simply drive away without acknowledging and thanking the person. This is just one example. There are multiple instances where we simply don’t acknowledge the goodness of others or what they do for us. Truly meaning it and thanking others for their contribution makes them feel better and, in a sense, rewarded for what they do for us. You can even thank your domestic help for the glass of water she gets for you. Trust me, it makes her feel valued
  3. Greet people – I’ve seen this mainly outside India that people often greet strangers also. This is something I don’t quiet see in India. Forget strangers, sometimes we don’t even greet people we know. When you greet people, it positions you as a person who is social and approachable
  4. Take interest in well-being – Greeting alone doesn’t always help. Go an extra mile, talk to people you know and find out about their struggles in life. We all have something or the other going on. Take a genuine interest in people’s lives not to intrude but to find ways to be of help to them. It isn’t necessary you find out about struggles only. You can also find out about the small little achievements and celebrate them either in person or virtually. For example, ask your maid about how her kids are faring in studies or how is her health. If you learn about something big or small, good or bad, help or celebrate as per the situation. If a friend has had any achievement, send him a message or better if you can call and congratulate. Another example would be for team managers to sit with their team members for regular 1-on-1’s. actually you don’t even need to do that formally. If a team member has taken a medical leave or had gone out for a vacation; go approach the person and ask how his or health is or how was the vacation and what are the things to do over there
  5. Request instead of dictating – “Shanti, get me a glass of water” “Jack, send me the email now”. The above or two examples of most people ask for their work to be done. The same sentence can also be framed as “Shanti, I’m very thirsty, could you please get me a glass of water?” and “Hey Jack, I have to submit the file to boss today as the overall plan are dependent on it. Do me a favor, please send me the email now or could you please send the email to me; it is urgent?” Of course the latter ones are longer sentences but then they give the other person a perspective and helps them understand your situation and possibly even empathize with you. It makes them feel valued as you are not ordering them but requesting them to do a certain job.
  6. Help strangers – even if the other person may not ever meet you; a timely help can go a long way in making someone else feel valued and respected. When you help people, it automatically helps you win their hearts. For example, if your health allows, lift luggage for those who are struggling with it, guide the ones who have lost the path, or someone who is new in your city
  7. Decline Politely – you are at a traffic signal and someone beggar or hawker approaches you for either money or offering his/her product. Of course you reserve full right to decline whatever they are asking or offering. However, you can always do the same in a more polite manner. Be nice to people whom you cant offer anything but a No. Say NO but be polite in that. There’s no need for you to be rude or curt while saying no. Not just to a seller or a beggar, even if it is a loved one, you can always practice politeness while declining whatever it is they are offering. It could even be on a dating App, you can always be polite in saying that you are not a match and that you wouldn’t want to go ahead instead of being rude or ignoring or being indifferent
  8. Be hospitable – I know of someone who doesn’t let anyone go away from his door before he has asked for water – be it the newspaper guy or the milkman or the grocery guy. It doesn’t matter what is the status of the person who visits you or rings the bell; offering a glass of water is the least you can do. It only helps the other person develop more respect for you. This is only one example, there are many areas where you can demonstrate hospitality or courtesy in exchange for nothing or just a smile 😊
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