Most people might find it crazy or some anxiety disorder if they see you talking to yourself. When I was a child, which I still am, I heard people telling my parents that “we saw your son riding a bike while talking to someone but we didn’t find anyone behind him.” Mind you I’m talking of the days, when mobile phones weren’t so prevalent. So, in some way, you could call me crazy as I actually used to and still do talk to myself, sometimes aloud as well 😊. I remember, my mom would come in my room just to check who I am talking to and then find no one in there. She would even go to the extent of checking the bathroom just to be sure that I haven’t hidden any girl there… lol that was hilarious mom.
Anyway, coming back, I don’t have any scientific reasoning, but based on my observations, here are some points that make me believe why it makes sense talking to myself. You may of course choose to disagree.
- Helps in introspection – most answers are within us and in most cases, we know what is right for us and what is not. But we often take calls that may not align with our inner thought process. What talking to self does is that it lets you analyze your past and understand what went right and what didn’t. When you implement those lessons, you tend not to repeat your mistakes
- You start appreciating your uniqueness – I often ask this to many people, and I’m gonna ask you to do the same exercise now…. as you read this. How many people are there who are exactly like you in every respect – looks, thought process, social stature, health etc. Could you think of anyone? I can bet my life, you can’t think of or find anyone because there is no one exactly like you in every respect, which essentially means that you are the most unique creation of the universe. When you understand this basic concept and interact more with yourself, you start appreciating your own uniqueness, which is the universe’s gift to you
- Keeps you in good company – if you agree with the above point, talking to self keeps you in real good company. As a matter of fact, it keeps you in the company of the most unique person. What more can you ask for
- You can’t lie to yourself – like they say, you can lie to the entire world, to your spouse, parents, colleagues, bosses, friends… anyone but not yourself. So, when you talk to yourself, your inner self throws the truth back at you and if you listen to yourself carefully, you get the right answers based on truth as it is and not some fabricated reality or illusion or lie
- You tend to understand others better – when you understand how unique you are and start appreciating your own uniqueness, you also being to understand that others are unique too. This helps you in understanding the basic difference between you and others. Talking to yourself helps you understand not just yourself and your uniqueness but also appreciate that others are unique too and this helps in a better management of relations
- Tends to make you humble – not necessarily in the same order, but as a result of the above steps, when you start understanding and respecting the uniqueness of other people, you become more grounded in your thoughts and your expectations of others. This essentially makes it easier for others to be with you. All of this becomes possible when you start respecting others and that comes with humility and the tendency to respect others make you humbler. Ask me about it, no one likes a snob next to them. Humility is something that everyone appreciates
By talking to self, I don’t mean that you need to talk loudly to yourself or someone has to know about it. All I mean here is that try talking to self to find answers for yourself than wondering everywhere else. All that you need to know is already there within if only you look for it with a positive attitude and learn from your own experiences.